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Frequently Asked Questions

Where is St. Columb’s Episcopal Church?

St. Columb’s is at 550 Sunnybrook Road in Ridgeland. Sunnybrook Road runs parallel to I-55 on the East side.St. Columb’s is located north of the Jackson Ave exit in between Holmes Community College and Patty Peck Honda.


What time are the services? 

We have a Saturday night service at 5:00 p.m. and two services on Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

What should I wear?

People wear all sorts of things to St. Columb’s. Our Saturday night service is very casual. Most people wear what would be considered “dressy casual” on Sunday mornings. Ladies wear slacks or a skirt; men wear slacks and a collared shirt, but some are more casual. Come as you are.


​I’ve never been to an Episcopal service.  How will I know what to do?

When you enter the doors of the church, our ushers will greet you and give you a bulletin that contains the full order of service including the peoples’ responses. In services where we have music, the hymns can be found in the blue book in the pew marked Hymnal 1982. The priest will invite you to stand at the appropriate times, and all you have to do is follow the service in the bulletin.


Do I have to be an Episcopalian to take communion?

In the Episcopal church, all baptized people, regardless of denomination or age, are encouraged to partake of communion or Eucharist. If you are not baptized and are interested in learning more about it, our clergy are happy to try to answer any questions you have.


How do I join?

There are various ways to join an Episcopal church. If you are already an Episcopalian, then you can call our church office and ask us to request your letter from your previous church. If you have not been baptized, then baptism will make you a member of St. Columb’s. If you have already been baptized, then you can make a mature faith commitment when our bishop is present and be confirmed or received, and this will also make you a member. St. Columb’s offers “inquirer’s classes” for people to learn more about the Episcopal church and to prepare people for membership. Call the church office if you would like to know more about this.


Who is “Columb,” anyway?

Columb or Columba is an Irish abbot and missionary who lived in the 6th century and is credited with the spread of Christianity to Scotland.  Columba founded the abbey of Iona which was very politically influential for many centuries.


Saturday     5 p.m.
Sunday        8 a.m.

                    10:30 a.m.



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550 Sunnybrook Rd.

Ridgeland, MS 39157




Mon.         9 a.m – 2 p.m.
Tue – Fri .  9 a.m – 3 p.m.




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