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Parish Life Committee

This committee consists of each ministry leader in this area and meets to evaluate and implement the needs of each ministry. 

Committee Chair – Rebecca Grant

Vestry Shepherd – Melissa Pringle

Book Club

St. Columb's book club is a women's fellowship ministry. Participants enjoy reading and discussing books together, mostly fiction and easily digestible.

Ministry Leader - Mary Margaret Woodrick


St. Columb’s annual Drawdown is a fundraising event for outreach and the ministries of St. Columb’s.  Participants in this ministry assist the Drawdown Chair in organizing and implementing the event.

Ministry Leader & Drawdown Chair – Christy Howell

EYC is the youth program at St. Columb’s. EYC needs volunteers to assist with programming, feeding the youth each Sunday, and hosting events for the youth throughout the year. 
Ministry Leader – Jenny Culver
Men's Club

Men’s Club is a group of men who gather for fellowship, cooking, and taking on parish projects as needed. 

Ministry Leader – Tim McIntyre

ECW (Episcopal Church Women)

The ECW is a long-time fellowship and event hosting women’s ministry of the parish. The group meets annually to survey the ministry, and the board meets monthly to maintain the budget and coordinate events like Tablescapes, the Christmas Bizarre Bazaar and others. 

Ministry Leader & ECW President – Emily Williams

JOY! Is a women’s group that meets once a month on the first Tuesday of each month. We open with prayer and share on various topics such as Faith, Christian Patience, Suffering, Mothers, Those Who have Mentored Us…… We have an open and caring group of women who enjoy listening to each other’s ideas and experiences. We laugh a lot! Anyone is welcome!
Ministry Leader – Betty Jo Mahaffey
Other Club

Other Club is the primary adult fellowship offering of St. Columb’s parish. Volunteers sign up to host the gathering in their homes or in the Parish Hall.  Everyone brings a dish to share with the group. 

Ministry Leader - Joy May

Parish Weekend

The Parish Weekend is a weekend retreat for our parish on the grounds of Camp Bratton Green in northern Madison County. The event includes lodging and meals for the weekend, coordinated activities for all ages, and a concluding worship service in the Chapel of the Holy Family to which the whole parish is invited. 

Ministry Leader – Rebecca Grant, Dalen Grant

Parish Wednesdays

This is the programing for Wednesday (or any other day other than Sunday) including activities for all ages, worship services, and possibly a Christian Education component. 

Ministry Leader - Rev. CJ Meaders

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