Membership Committee
This committee consists of each ministry leader in this area and meets to evaluate and implement the needs of each ministry.
Committee Chair – Rev. CJ Meaders
Vestry Shepherd – Jacob Woodward
Participants in this ministry help implement best practices for welcoming and engaging visitors to our parish, ensuring that those who continue to come to our community have a path toward membership and greater involvement in our ministries.
Ministry Leader - Dalen Grant
Parish Directory
Participants in this ministry help create and maintain a parish directory, including an online director through Realm, our church management software.
Ministry Leader – Rev. CJ Meaders
Parish Involvement
This ministry exists to provide a path for active members to become more involved in the ministries of the parish.
Ministry Leader: Rev. CJ Meaders
Parish Records
Participants in this ministry assist the parish office in maintaining current and accurate parish records including baptisms, confirmations, weddings, burials, etc.
Ministry Leader – Caroline Ducote