Pastoral Care Committee
This committee consists of each ministry leader in this area and meets to evaluate and implement the needs of each ministry.
Committee Chair - Rev. Cathy Halford
Vestry Shepherd – Kellye Whalen
Birthday Cards
Participants in this ministry coordinate the sending of birthday cards to all members of St. Columb’s on the week of their birthday.
Ministry Leaders - Gloria Mitchell, Emily George, CiCi Whitehurst
Grief Group
The purpose of this pastoral group is to meet and discuss issues of grief for those who have lost loved ones and would benefit from processing their grief with others.
Ministry Leader - Gus Schreiber
College Care Packages
Participants prepare care packages for our current college students with snacks, games, meditations, and a note from the clergy.
Ministry Leaders – Rev. Cathy Halford, Kellye Whalen
Daughters of the King
The DOK is a nationally recognized organization within the Episcopal Church of women who formally devote themselves to prayer and service in the church. This ministry requires a period of training and formal admission during a service.
Ministry Leader - Deenie Grubbs
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
LEV’s take communion to those who are unable to attend in-person services. They also assist the clergy in maintaining an active list of pastoral needs in the parish. This ministry requires training and Diocesan certification, which St. Columb’s provides in house.
Ministry Leader - Rev. Cathy Halford
Meals to Parishioners
As the pastoral need arises, this team of volunteers takes preps meals and takes them to the homes of the parishioner(s) in need.
Ministry Leader - Rebecca Grant
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Participants in this ministry create shawls to offer solace and comfort to those in pastoral need. The shawls contain prayers of support and encouragement and are blessed by the clergy before being distributed.
Ministry Leader- Betty Jo Mahaffey