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Children's Sunday School

Children meet each Sunday during the school year (August to May) in the Sunday school rooms located in the Parish Hall of St. Columb's from 9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. There are currently two Sunday school class which meet including an Lower Elementary class (1st Grade - 3rd Grade) and an Upper Elementary class (4th and 5th grade). The curriculum is called "Weaving God's Promises," a Bible-based study which goes through Bible stories and makes connection to their application in children's lives today. 

Ministry Leader - Amy Amundson, Director of Children's Ed

Book Club

St. Columb’s book club is a women’s fellowship ministry. Participants enjoy reading and discussing books together, mostly fiction and easily digestible.

Ministry Leader - Mary Margaret Woodrick

Education for Ministry (EfM)

EfM is a program administered out of the University of the South at Sewanee’s Beeckner Center. The program is a 4 year deep dive into Christian Tradition where participants study the Old Testament, The New Testament, Church History, and Theology. Participants sign up in late summer and meet weekly from Fall to Spring.

Ministry Leader - Jim Woodrick

Adult Sunday School 

Each Sunday morning a faithful group of adults meets to hear Chris Brady's wonderful lectures on Christian doctrine and history. This class meets from 9:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. and accounts toward confirmations in the Episcopal church. 

Ministry Leader - Chris Brady 

Church History

Participants in this ministry survey historic records of St. Columb’s parish and work to organize those records appropriately and distill their contents into a historical portrait of the parish.

Ministry Leader - Gloria Mitchell

Rector's Lab (Bible Study)

This adult formation offering meets weekly on Wednesday mornings to engage various aspects of the Christian tradition, most often studying books of the Bible or excerpts from Christian theology.

Ministry Leader - Rev. CJ Meaders

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